Thursday, September 07, 2006

Oh! That It Were So Simple!

I found this old textbook at an antique store in Lostine, Oregon.

The text is dry, pompous and unintentionally hilarious. The illustrations are an odd mix of non-PC cartoon drawings explained by wordy phrases, but the pictures and words don't sync up unless you stare at them a while. I think the illustrator also did the Harold books with the purple crayon and carrot seeds.

The phrase below is: Your learning is helped if you are stimulated from without by praise or blame.

Next picture:

The tagline:

And some closing thoughts:

You have learned that you are born with certain potentialities. These inherent characteristics make it possible for you to be stimulated constantly and consistently by your inner drives and urges and by people and things in your environment. To these stimulations you respond either satisfactorily or unsatisfactorily, and thus develop patterns of behavior which become habitual.

You can achieve the kind of personality which will earn for you admiration and respect if you are careful in all the apparently unimportant responses which you make from day to day. Know yourself--your strengths and your weaknesses. Attack everything that you do in a positive, constructive way, so that the action will be of definite assistance to you in your personality development.

And there you go. Get out there and win that admiration and respect! You'll be the better for it!

1 comment:

amy lineburg said...

I'm so afraid right now of doing ANYTHING!!