Monday, May 15, 2006

Fie Upon Multi-Tasking!

It is a sure sign of a little mind to be doing one thing, and at the same time to be either thinking of another, nor not thinking at all. One should always think of what one is about; when one is learning, one should not think of play; and when one is at play, one should not think of one’s learning. Besides that, if you do not mind your book while you are at it, it will be a double trouble to you, for you must learn it all over again.

Lord Chesterfield, Letters To His Son

Tuesday, May 09, 2006




I MISSED him when the sun began to bend;
I found him not when I had lost his rim;
With many tears I went in search of him,
Climbing high mountains which did still ascend,
And gave me echoes when I called my friend;
Through cities vast and charnel-houses grim,
And high cathedrals where the light was dim,
Through books and arts and works without an end,
But found him not--the friend whom I had lost.
And yet I found him--as I found the lark,
A sound in fields I heard but could not mark;
I found him nearest when I missed him most;
I found him in my heart, a life in frost,
A light I knew not till my soul was dark.

by George Mac Donald (1824-1905)

painting from:

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Why I Would Marry Douglas Adams

The mattress flolloped around. This is a thing that only live mattresses in swamps are able to do, which is why the word is not in common usage. It flolloped in a sympathetic sort of way, moving a fair-sized body of water as it did so. It blew a few bubbles up through the water engagingly.—“You have something on your mind, I think,” said the mattress floopily.

~ from Life, The Universe and Everything

(No one really knows what mattresses are meant to gain from their lives... They are large, friendly, pocket-sprung creatures that live quiet private lives in the marshes of Sqornshellous Zeta. Many of them get caught, slaughtered, dried out, shipped out and slept on. None of them seems to mind this and all of them are called Zem.)

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

To Boldly Sew!

or, embroider, that is. Alberta Art Hop is May 20. The Off-Kilter Collaborative came into existence on April 28, 2006 and plans to do a little market research on our goods, via a sidewalk booth. My goal is twenty of these lil' bably onesies, hand-embroidered, cheeky, yet sweet, to present to the public gaze.

oh, yeah, original designs...

And each is unique...

And oh, so versatile!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Summer Skirts

Some recent sewing:

This skirt annoyed me a few years ago and I put it at the bottom of the project pile. But, I pulled it out a few weeks ago and was suprised to find all it needed was a zipper an hem. Voila...a skirt.

It has my first attempt at french seams. Hm.

And this one is out of reprinted vintage found at a quilt store in Enterprise, Oregon. Hurray for back-of-the store sale bolts!

I thought it was a little risky to put the two patterns together, but I like the end result.