Saturday, December 06, 2008


This just seems pitiful to me:

The recipe calls for a package of refrigerated cookie dough, to which you add more sugar (powdered) and cream cheese. Beat all together. Then roll in sugar. Gag. Good thing you bought the 5 lb bag of sugar the recipe is printed on. At this rate you'll have it for the next 20 years.

What I don't get is that it's supposed to be some kind of time-saver. But you are still getting a bowl and mixer dirty and everything else that goes along with the simple task of cookie-making. You do get the bonus of partially hydrogenated soybean and cottonseed oil, plus whatever those all encompassing vaguenesses called 'natural and artificial flavor' are.


mostly ugly said...

Oh, that is so sad!

Carol in Oregon said...

Semi-homemade is a bizarre contradiction. Oy!
