National Doughnut Month! (I really could just stop right there) National Co-op Month Sarah Vowell is coming! Smell of grapevines Colors Brownsmead Cornfeed Certain nice persons' birthdays Greater Columbia Crossing 10K Craft nights starting up Scarves It's okay to stay home and watch movies or go to afternoon matinees because it's dark and rainy and you aren't wasting sunshine Matt Pond PA Frost House slippers
Apple cider in Hood River Birds are back at the birdfeeder Holopaw Snow! (is coming) Holidays! (are coming) San Franciso (oh, wait, that was last year; but in a perfect life, it would happen every year) Woodsmoke Flannel pajama pants Sweaters Rainboots Whiskey Pipe smoke on cold evenings Billie Holiday Leaf rustling Eagle Creek hiking Blankets

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