box springs, running water, cheap motels, mix tapes, BC powder, RC cola, Waffle House @ 3 a.m., BBQ, lightening bugs, screen doors, fishing poles, rubber boots, Gibson's Donuts, CK's coffee, road maps, argyle socks, knit caps, polaroids, burning candles, mint juleps, 3rd and Vance, huey's, compostion books, new ink pens, thick erasers, pencil shavings, pork rinds, root beer, Dickel, silver dollar city, pontoon boats, greers ferry, bug spray, trash barrels, green tomato relish, rotel, asphalt in a thunderstorm, zippo, atomic fire balls, flannel shirts, gold bond powder, uno, wood burning stoves, mothballs, quilts, kites, garden weasel, big league chew, leather gloves, american spirit cigarettes (blue), window unit air-conditioners, crock pots, 2 stroke, lightning, bluegill, flip flops, lawn chairs, fabric softner, lip balm, treble hooks, carp, yo-yo's, milk jugs, 5 alive, t.v. trays, wood paneled dens, formal living rooms, hall closets, kerosene space heaters, oak trees, Osage Orange trees (horse apple, 'bodoc'), toaster ovens, coca-cola in the glass bottle, seeing rock city, shiloh, clay pigeons, 12 gauge shotguns, grandpa hatcher's bible, electric blankets, wooden docks, diesel trucks, mudflaps, burning buildings, fireworks, hay stacks, cobbler, mothers perfume, biscuits,

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