Saturday, June 28, 2008


This has been driving me nuts, but mystery is solved. Menomena's latest cd cover was designed by Craig Thompson ( and looks like this:

The picture does not do justice to the intricacy of the art (so you should just go buy yourself a cd). It reminded me of a German artist and it's been months of it nagging at my brain. I even saw a movie where a character was looking at one of his paintings...yet the man's name wasn't mentioned. Bach kept coming to mind, but obviously that was incorrect. Today, after several creative Google searches, I tracked down the man: Hieronymus Bosch. Such a catchy first name--it's a wonder it slipped my mind.

This is only a small portion of an entire triptych titled "Garden of Earthly Delights" c. 1504. Now I can rest easy at night.

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