Thursday, January 31, 2008

Reviewing the Review

I love a good short and sweet review. From the Willamette Week:

College students trip on wild mushrooms, get killed by an ax murderer. To summarize: dude. Dude. Dude! Thud.
When even the positive reviews plastered on the movie poster make you scratch your head, you might want to just stay home and rediscover books.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Let There Be Separation

That bicycle was the only personal item in Joe Pope’s office. He had no posters, postcards, doodads, snow globes, souvenirs, framed pictures, art reproductions, mementos, no humor books on the shelves and nothing to clutter his desk. He had been in that office for three years and it still looked temporary. Every day we had to wonder—who the hell was this Joe Pope, anyway? It wasn’t that we had anything against him. It was just that he was maybe an inch shorter than he should have been. He listened to weird music. We didn’t know what he did on the weekends. What sort of person showed up on Monday and had no interest in sharing what transpired during the two days of the week when one’s real life took place? His weekends were long dark shadows of mystery.

Then We Came To The End, Joshua Ferris


Friday, January 25, 2008

Love = Lemur Attack

Click to enlarge:

My friend Jess noted last October how all women's halloween costumes have devolved into 'sexy' something. Doesn't matter what it is as long as it's 'sexy'. Seems she's not the only one aware of the phenomenon. Sexy Anne Frank--yup, gotta do that next year.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Snarkety Snark-Snark

I despise 'sales-speak'. Despise. When I saw this handy, pointed reminder on our alerts dashboard at work, I promptly sent it on to fellow pushers-back-against-the-dark, with my comments (because how would the world rotate without my comments?):

$[insert very large number here].00 is our goal! Bring it home with purpose!

What the flip?
As if making a ton of money has a higher meaning. Morons.

Later in the day I received this piece of art:

It came with a tempting offer of gaining 20 bucks if I used it as my screensaver for a week--a figurative one-finger salute for all to see but only the clever to parse. After a brief internal struggle, I demurred. It was a struggle, though, believe me.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


From Beau Travail:

"But perhaps with remorse comes freedom..."

Can we just sit and think about that phrase for a while?


Friday, January 11, 2008

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Cube With A View

My window at my job (yay! I have a window!) faces the freeway.
Sometimes I see things that make glad to work here instead of somewhere else. A semitruck just went by emblazoned with this logo:

If that doesn't say yum! I don't know what does.

Their company tagline: "We are pleased to meet you, and have meat to please." For serious.
