Saturday, December 29, 2007

Where The Brute Squad Hangs Out

I watched The Killing, a Stanley Kubrick film, a few weeks ago. Guess where the hard-boiled protagonist locates his Eastern European muscle-for-hire?--yeah, where all the tuff guys hang out, at the rough-and-tumble game bar. Notice the rates. Notice the games! Chess, checkers, and Scrabble. It proves that we once lived in better times. Men wore hats, women wore gloves, and there were acceptable public places to get your Scrabble on.

The movie also has one of the cooler, creepier femme fatales: "You like money. You got a great big dollar sign, there, where most women have a heart. "


Sunday, December 16, 2007

On My Mind of Late

The heart asks pleasure first

And then, excuse from pain-

And then, those little anodynes

That deaden suffering;

And then, to go to sleep;

And then, if it should be

The will of its Inquisitor,

The liberty to die.

emily dickenson

mark penxa:


Friday, December 14, 2007

No NO no!!!!

I'm having a problem. Please compare this year's Christmas lists from my niece and nephew to last year's:

The reader will not fail to see a--gulp--maturing. Last year, Galen wanted, among other things, a coconut and a Batman fishing pole. This year-gah! a chess set?? Science experiments??? drums???? This is not squishy little kid territory. This is little man territory--like he's growing up. Batman, however, is still a needful thing. From what I've observed, Batman is always a needful thing, regardless of age.

Ev. Well, the rabid desire for pink has diminshed, but there is a particularness that is frightening. My time of impressing them with aunt-ly wonder is quickly coming to a close. There is a sorrow therein.

Evelyn’s List:
Dress up dress (long down to the floor)
Make up
Fairy or mermaid or princess anything
Play soft (plush, stuffed) ice cream set
White tea set w/ red flowers
Yellow chick with a chirping motor
Pink flower lights (like Christmas)
Ariel or Jasmine costume
Mellissa and Doug (brand) Birthday Cake (toy)
Fairy picture

Galen’s List:
Hot wheels crash set (like at Grandma & Papa’s house)
Science kits (electricity, chemistry, etc.)
Woodworking tools
Wood kit (bird house, etc.)
Drum set
Batman dress-up w/ muscles
Drill set
Chess set

Sunday, December 09, 2007

pdx dinosaur

sidewalk art on the broadway bridge